U.S. Tax Services for Investors

Our team has extensive experience in helping investors structure their U.S. holdings and in helping U.S. citizens invest abroad. Read on for details of some of the many ways we can help you with your U.S. tax needs.

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Non-Residents Investing in U.S. Real Estate

Regardless of the value of the property, you can still optimize the way you will hold the property before you buy. There are multiple options available and selecting the right one depends on your objectives for the property. Changing the way you hold the property can provide benefits such:

  • Allowing you to avoid withholding tax on the sale

  • Eliminating personal U.S. tax exposure

  • Preventing U.S. estate tax issues

  • Allowing the rental losses to be claimed against your other sources of income

Our tax professionals will ensure that the tax structure you select is the optimal choice for your new purchase and can help you out with any of the required tax filings once the investment is in place.

Americans Investing in Controlled Foreign Corporations

There are many complex U.S. tax rules meant to prevent tax-avoidance through the use of foreign corporations.

These rules can make it very difficult for new investors to correctly calculate and report the U.S. tax implications associated with their investment in the foreign company.

Our team has a wealth of experience in calculating the required income inclusions under the GILTI, Subpart F and Section 956 rules and can assist in the preparation of the associated Form 5471s.

We are also able to help provide tax planning strategies for mitigating the taxes triggered by the various U.S. international tax rules.

Contact us today to see how we can help you get the most out of your foreign investments.

Americans Investing in Non-Controlled Foreign Companies


Investing in non-controlled companies foreign companies carries a unique set of issues not experienced by Americans who invest in wholly owned operations.

The biggest hurdle often faced in investing abroad is the “passive foreign investment company” (PFIC) rules. Under these rules holding an investment in a passive foreign investment such as a holding company, mutual funds, or ETF can carry significant reporting obligations and substantial tax costs.

There are many elections that can be taken advantage of to mitigate these taxes such as the QEF election, the mark-to-market elections, deemed disposition elections and tax deferral elections.

Our team is experienced in working with these complex filings and can help you navigate the complex tax landscape associated with investing abroad.

Non-Residents Investing in U.S. Companies

When investing in the U.S., the ideal structure will depend on how the company will operate and the what aspects of the tax plan are most important to the investor. Here are some of the objectives that proper tax structuring can deliver:

  • Anonymity for the investor

  • Preventing taxable benefits from being assessed for personal use

  • Eliminating withholding tax on sale

  • Allowing the flow-through of income

  • Minimizing estate tax

  • Maximizing tax deferral

Our team can help you define your objectives and pick the right structure to achieve them.